Things are not always as they seem, dear Reader. In the world of newborn photography, this is often the case. As you know, when it comes to photographing little ones, I am very passionate about safety. Sometimes parents and new photographers may see these amazing or seemingly implausible shots by other photographers, and think that what you see is how things were actually photographed; however, it’s important to understand that Photoshop plays a big part in these images. So, I thought you might like to get a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes. I usually don’t remember to take a quick pullback picture, but in the images below, there is enough of the surroundings to get an idea of how things were done. Today I will show you a before and after of little Declan in a stork pouch hanging from a tree branch.
First we have a pussy willow branch that my mother-in-law gave to me; I photographed it last spring in front of a cream colored backdrop, suspended with coat hangers from another backdrop stand. I would have used thread or clear string, but this is what I had on hand! SOOC (Straight out of camera)

Next we have Declan in a sling that is tied securely to a short segment of tree branch. Mom and Dad are on either side holding up the branch; as you can see, they are both within range to easily put their hand on baby to stabilize him if needed. At no time is he suspended more than an inch above a large beanbag; what I am looking for is a clean edge on the bottom of the sling to work with. Here is the image I used, SOOC.

And now through the magic of television (a.k.a. Photoshop), here is the finished image.

I hope you enjoyed this little installment of TLC Tuesdays. Remember, when it comes to newborn photography, safety first!