Category Archives: My Life

Snow Time Like the Present

Remember that crazy day when it snowed two days before Halloween?  There were autumn leaves on the trees at the same time as there was snow on the ground.  The first snowfall of the season is like magic, and at this time of year, it was a fun surprise. Our dog, Happy, likes catching snowballs.  […]

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Confession time, dear Reader.  I have a love/hate relationship with my yard.  Love: It’s one of the biggest and flattest back yards in my neighborhood.  It’s perfect for kids to play in.  Hate:  It’s lumpy and full of crab grass.  You see, my husband and I are both one of those people – we live […]

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Grandma Tu

Grandma Tu…the grandmother I never had the chance to know.  Grandma Tu lived her life on the other side of the world – in Vietnam, where my mom is from.  I always hoped that one day I would be able to travel there to meet her…but life happens, and making a trip of that magnitude […]

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My Birthday Girl

Well, I did it, dear Reader.  I made it through the whole day without breaking into tears.  Another year has passed so quickly, and my little one is growing up.  I sometimes find myself looking wistfully at little babies, wishing I could go back and hold her like that again, just for a day…and at […]

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Holiday Wishes

I wish many things for you this time of year and always, dear Reader…May you know the joy of loving family and friends all around you, and the kindness of strangers when you need it the most.  May you appreciate life for the wonderful gift that it is; may you live your life to the […]

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Just a short post today, dear Reader.  Sadness has filled the Yetter household; my husband’s dear Grandmother passed away this weekend.  Grandma Lillian, “Great Grandma” to my daughter, was the matriarch of my husband’s family and the glue that held everyone firmly together.  Widowed at a young age, Lillian was a strong woman who single-handedly […]

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Weekend Update | Family, Peekaboo, and an Octopus

Happy Monday, dear Reader!  As I sit at my computer editing photos like a fiend, I thought I would do a quick post and share a bit of what is going on in my world.  I’m taking a cue from my good friend Amanda Wilson and doing a Weekend Update post!  (C’mon, Amanda, you knew […]

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No Regrets

As I sat at my desk today immersed in photo editing, my daughter asked me to take her outside; she loves watching the bumblebees buzzing around the garden we planted this spring.  Tempted to respond with my usual, “Ok, sweetheart, let me finish this work first and then we’ll go outside…” I stopped myself.  I’ve […]

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Little Man K | Adventures in Child Photography

A few weeks ago my sister asked me to photograph her son for his first birthday/Easter portrait.  It’s hard to believe he is already a year old!  I had great fun chasing after her two children and my daughter that evening as they got their sugar buzz from all the chocolate, lol.  Here Little Man […]

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A Love Story

My husband and I like to watch movies any chance we get.  It doesn’t matter what kind of movie; it only matters that he and I get a chance to unwind and just be with each other.  The other night we watched a romantic comedy, and it got me thinking about the Valentine’s Day post […]

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