Sweet little Isabel, adored by everyone who meets her – even the family pet! I love when the whole family, including the dog, are involved in a newborn photography session.

I’m always amazed at how pets often seem to instinctively understand what is going on when a baby comes into the family.

This particular pup was especially loving towards the baby. So sweet!

Safety is always first of course when it comes to newborn photos with pets; sometimes dogs may not realize their own size, or may try to stand up suddenly if they don’t understand what they are supposed to do. If the parents are ever unsure of whether or not their dog will be able to stay put, I like to put baby in a basket for added safety, and both parents stand on either side within arms reach.

This is my favorite kind of mother and baby picture.

I remember my husband and I looking at each other this very same way when our daughter was born; it was hard to believe that we created such a beautiful little being.

I think it is fascinating how babies mimic facial expressions. You can see Isabel making the same expression as her mama in this picture.

I also amazed at how newborns, only days old, already know who their mama and daddy are.

One of the things I love about this photo is that the nightgown little Isabel is wearing was actually worn by her mama when she was a baby. How sweet of grandma to save that piece of clothing for her.

Look at that little smile!